Presentation at KPMG in collaboration with Velkommen Hjem



· 2 min read
Presentation at KPMG in collaboration with Velkommen Hjem

Yesterday we were invited by Velkommen Hjem & KPMG to talk about our demining efforts in Ukraine. Velkommen Hjem (Welcome Home, is a project to support the transition of high capacity and high performing veterans to a corporate career).

The DNA we have matches very well with the DNA surrounding the Velkommen Hjem project.

Our NGO consists of veterans, former intelligence and people from the security industry.

Velkommen Hjem was founded by a number of companies that want to support veterans in focusing on how military skills and experience can be brought into play in civilian business life. It is precisely the competences and the shared DNA in our NGO that have created the results we have achieved with demining in Ukraine.

It certainly hasn't been easy, and since the general public interest has been massively declining, it doesn't have the same political interest either, which makes it almost impossible for us to continue the work.

We will run out of funds at the end of this month, and are therefore forced to pull our people home.

In the meantime, we will continue to try to reach out to politicians about the importance of our work.

It is essential that we get political support, as demining is really expensive.

Therefore, we are also honored that yesterday we were allowed to get to address  prominent guests from the Danish business community, as it can be our lifeline for funding in the short term and through this help to garner political interest.

A huge thanks to Velkommen Hjem and KPMG, for having us along for an evening that focused on the war in Ukraine, Danish security policy and the energy crisis.


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