Visit by Jakob Ellemann-Jensen



· 2 min read
Visit by Jakob Ellemann-Jensen

Yesterday we were visited by Jakob Ellemann-Jensen (Danish opposition leader), who wanted to see the robot named after his father. We had the opportunity to talk about our work so far and why there is a need for a more agile organization like us that makes things happen.

Tymor quote: "A lot of meetings with a lot of big companies the last 6 months, but none of them have started working yet, DSGU did, they started immediately, they walked the walk"

Our Country Manager, Andy, told us about our task in Chernihiv with 2.3 million square meters to be cleared. He showed that signs of Cluster Bombs have been found, and talked about the importance of clearing the fields so that the farmers can cultivate the land again.

"We are a team of six, so it takes time. With more funding we could hire more people, and everything would go a lot faster".

Jakob Ellemann-Jensen agreed that the job of clearing mines and UXOs is important, as he himself has witnessed alternative solutions with mine clearance:

“I saw it in Bosnia when I was deployed, local people who, in desperation, used their own cars with a cement block in the bottom to clear mines. It was heartbreaking," Jakob said.

After today's meeting, Jakob Ellemann-Jensen concluded:

"Per & Thorbjørn are behind Danish Support Group Ukraine, which operates in Ukraine. Their work is incredibly important because if demining is not done by professionals, it can force locals to do it. Locals who have no experience in demining!”.

For Danish Support Group Ukraine, it was important to talk about the task we carry out, as well as the challenges we face in cooperation with Danish authorities.


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