New leadership for our work in Ukraine



· 1 min read

We are happy to announce that we have chosen to appoint a new board chairwoman for our organization. This will help take our organisation to the next level and strengthen our mission of helping the local population in Ukraine with mine clearance and rebuilding.

Mette Laudal takes over the chairman position from Thorbjørn, and we look forward to working with her to continue our important work. We would like to thank Thorbjørn for his efforts as chairman and welcome Mette to the board.

We know that our organization plays a crucial role in creating safety and security for the local population in Ukraine, and we will do everything we can to be a reliable and professional partner. We hope that our decision to appoint a new board chairman will underscore our commitment and our desire to make a real difference.

We hope you will join us in supporting our work and making a difference for the local population in Ukraine.


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