DSGU Demining in Ukraine Episode 1



· 2 min read
DSGU Demining in Ukraine Episode 1

Here at home, we are still in the process of finding funds for our project to prolong the effort. For this reason, we will also attend the Homeland Security Conference 2022, Wednesday 2 November at Børsen, where you can come by and meet us.

We will be there all day and have a small stand where you can have a chat with us from DSGU, watch a film about our work, or see our two demining robots Ellemann and Lykketoft.

You can register for the event here:

Lidt om eventet:
"The 9th edition of our annual security conference Homeland Security Conference will take place 2 November 2022 in Copenhagen.

As an innovation and technology conference, we bring together representatives from the entire Homeland Security and cyber security community; leading experts, industry decision makers, governmental authorities, and academics, in order to share knowledge and strengthen capabilities. The overall objective is to explore potential business opportunities within the industry and connect stakeholders.

The conference has an overall focus on issues, challenges and possible countermeasures within the Homeland Security context and will take a dive into the following areas:
Homeland Security Perspectives 2022
Securitization of Energy Supplies
Territorial Control and Surveillance Innovations and Technologies
Securing Critical Infrastructure
Investments and Collaboration Opportunities for Innovative Security Solutions

The format of the conference is the same every year – 10 minutes presentations, followed by a joint panel debate with speakers. By following this approach, we are able to involve a broad range of capabilities and include + 20 speakers during the full day of program. This way, the participants are introduced to a broad range of information and insights during the day."


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